Is é an ceallraí croí carr, tugann sé cumhacht a rith. Tagann am i saol na feithicle nuair a bhíonn an clúdach ceallraí stórála uathúla sin uait.
Tá an clúdach ceallraí feithicleach beagán cosúil le teach beag na feiste. Jincheng clúdach ceallraí gluaisteán déanfaidh sé é a chosaint ón aimsir cosúil le báisteach, deannach agus aon eilimintí eile a d'fhéadfadh damáiste a dhéanamh do do charr. Má dhéantar damáiste dó, ní oibreoidh do charr i gceart.
Soláthraíonn clúdach ceallraí feithicleach cosaint i bhfad níos mó agus is féidir leis cabhrú leat airgead a shábháil. Trí úsáid a bhaint Jincheng clúdach ceallraí gluaisteán, you are making the battery live longer, you save yourself from a new purchase of one that comes with an equally hefty price tag. And if the battery goes out, your car may not pass inspection courtesy of fines.
Tá roinnt rudaí ann ar mhaith leat a choinneáil i gcuimhne nuair a roghnaíonn tú clúdach ceallraí feithicleach. Tá cúpla clúdach déanta as plaisteach dolúbtha, agus déantar cinn eile as miotalach lúbthachta. Roghnú Jincheng clúdach cás crank a luíonn go docht thar do cheallraí gluaisteán cabhróidh sé é a chosaint nuair a théann sé seo sa chochall. Mura bhfuil tú cinnte cé acu ceann is fearr, níl aon náire ort léirmheasanna a léamh ó chustaiméirí eile nó fiú iarraidh ar mheicneoir gairmiúil.
Má tá ceallra damáiste a sceitheann, scaoilfidh sé ceimiceáin ghuaiseacha agus beidh sé díobhálach duit féin chomh maith le hinneall an ghluaisteáin. Trí infheistíocht a dhéanamh i gcáilíocht imfhálú alúmanam diecast agus ag cinntiú go bhfuil do chuid rudaí slán i gceart is féidir leat an riosca seo duit féin a laghdú go mór agus tú ag tiomáint.
Automobile battery cover is highly functional - Keeping the juices flowing and everything working as they should. Purchasing a good quality cover means you do not have to spend money in the long run cinching up it is maintenance and your car remains just as it would even after extended time of usage. This is why you should always ensure that your battery is adequately protected with a good battery cover next time you raise the hood of your vehicle.
The seven production processes include the following: technical support, quality control, mold-making die-casting, machine production and surface treatment. Our company Automotive battery cover 150 - 4000 tons of fully automatic cold chamber die-casting production lines 60, and advanced precision CNC machining centers with more than 600. The company also owns a plethora of high-precision instruments and measuring equipment, as well as various additional services. Its annual production is 50,000 tons and it's able to do precision processing and production.
Our company was established in 2006. was founded. We specialize in die-casting aluminum alloys as well as Automotive battery cover machining and general industrial components. We provide human-powered online service throughout the day, and communicate in languages of minorities. We also have the service team to help with a project.
All of our products are produced at the facilities of the Automotive battery cover they belong to. We provide all the information on pricing, from raw materials through production and services. The company is equipped with more than 20 die-casting industry experts and more than 80 mold professionals engineers. We offer molds and production solutions for our clients. Our product design is flexible. It can be used in small-batch production.
We have three production centers: Automotive battery cover auto part casting plant, Suzhou Jincheng Precision Casting Plant, and Xuzhou Jincheng Precision Casting Plant. The assets total exceed 1 billion Yuan and covers an area of 300 acres. Our plant covers 180,000 square metres. The company has more than 600 CNC machines with more than 60 vertical machining centers and complete electroplating and spraying equipment. We're dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality precision machining customized services.