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V8 엔진 블록 대한민국

그것은 빠른 자동차의 심장과 같으며, 이렇게 생겼습니다. V8 엔진 블록입니다. 상상해보세요. 그것은 "V" 모양의 8개 실린더로 구성되어 있으며, 각 실린더는 이 차를 도로 위로 빠르게 움직이기 위해 끊임없이 노력합니다. 그러나 그것은 일부에 불과합니다. 보닛 아래에는 누적된 VXNUMX 엔진 블록 내부에 실린더, 피스톤 및 커넥팅 로드와 같은 다른 것들이 있습니다. 이 모든 부품이 함께 작동하여 차가 도로를 매우 빠르게 달릴 수 있기 때문입니다. 

The V8 engine block is central to fast cars. It is the secret spice that makes them so quick. How does it do this? It consequently sneaks more power to the ground,  courtesy of all those extra cylinders concealed under that huge honkin' block. And we all know more power=more speed. The V8 engine in fact can spin up to 10,000 times per minute just by way of its block and there you go, the car is off on an insane sprint. 

소개: V8 엔진 블록

Behind this block, however, is the story of one messy V8 engine life. The positive side, this gives that when required extra kick needed for racing as well high performance driving. Add to this the music it makes when you revo and its a win-win for any petrolhead out there! As with everything, there are also some cons to be aware of. The V8 engine block is a proven gas guzzler in comparison to other types, something you have been paying for that has kept your wallet rather empty. On top of that, it does drive as a rather heavy car due to its weight. 

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