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The National Key Research And Development Plan Project Launch Meeting Was Held In Suzhou


On October 20, 2019, the 2018 National Key Research and Development Plan Manufacturing basic technology and key components key special project "Semi-solid rheological casting technology of aluminum alloy thin-wall parts (Application demonstration class)", led by Suzhou Jincheng Precision Casting Co., LTD., and responsible for Professor Guan Renguo of the School of Materials of Northeastern University, was held in Suzhou. The meeting invited the leaders of the industry center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 6 well-known experts from Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Jilin and other places, as well as the principals and main researchers of 12 project participating units such as Northeastern University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, ChalCO Research Institute, Suzhou Jincheng Precision, and local government leaders, a total of more than 40 people attended the meeting.

At the launch meeting, Suzhou Jincheng Precision Casting Co., Ltd. General Manager Mao Tulin delivered the opening address, welcoming the attendees and congratulating the project launch. He stated that semi-solid casting is the company's main strategic direction in the future and looked forward to the National Key R&D Program "Semi-solid flow casting technology for aluminum thin-walled parts (demonstration project type)" researching international advanced aluminum alloy materials, new processes, and new equipment to create a high-tech demonstration project. Helping Jincheng leverage its advantages to open up new market segments.

The leadership of the industry center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology made a detailed interpretation of the special management policies of the "13th Five-Year" national key research and development plan, and put forward specific requirements for the implementation of the special. Subsequently, the project advisory expert group was established and the appointment ceremony was held. The expert group is composed of experts from the General Research Institute of Mechanical Science, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Nanchang University of Science and Technology, Hebei Deca, Shenyang Metal Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai University and other units.

Professor Guan Renguo, the project leader, made an overall report on the project overview, project technical plan, project implementation plan, project organization and management, and five project leaders made detailed reports on the project objectives, key scientific problems to be solved, research contents, technical routes, assessment indicators, progress plans, expected results, etc. The expert group fully demonstrated the organization and management, technical implementation plan and engineering demonstration application of the project and each subject. After the experts' questions and answers, technical guidance and comprehensive review, it is agreed that the research objectives of the project and the project implementation plan are clear, the overall idea is clear, the research content is prominent, and the subject content is complete. At the same time, it is hoped that the project team will further strengthen the cohesion of the subject, strengthen the application of the research results of the subject, and pay attention to the advanced nature and economic feasibility of the research and development of technology, materials and equipment.

The project team will fully discuss the project implementation plan according to the expert argumentation opinions, and improve the project implementation plan in terms of subject coordination, project progress, and assessment indicators.

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